Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hair Removal!

So, some of you who know me REALLY well know that I have some assymetrical body hair on my right shoulder that I think is super ugly. Well, I have finally started taking the steps to permanently remove it. I went to a hair removal place a week ago on Thursday and got my folicles zapped. I'm so excited. After a few more treatments, I won't have to shave anymore!

It's always been a source of insecurity for me, so I'm so happy to finally start getting it removed. My second session is in a few weeks, and hopefully I'll get another one in before I go to Catalonia... then when I come back, I'll resume treatments -- unless it's not too expensive to continue in Spain, in which case I may get some treatments there... but you can't be in the sun between treatments, so I'm thinking that it might be a big no since I'll be living a five or ten minute walk from the beach all summer.

So anyway, super exciting for me. I may be a teddy bear, but I don't have to be totally fuzzy wuzzy!

Monday, March 26, 2007


So I've been on a diet recently. Well, Charles is always on a diet, right? Even more controversial is that Charles is on the Atkin's diet. Holy crap! Isn't that the diet that raises your cholesterol and gives you a heart attack? Isn't that the one that's so unhealthy and everyone thinks is a bad idea?

God, I'm so tired of having to defend myself. The Atkin's diet is completely healthy. All you do is cut out processed sugars and processed carbs. Can anyone really explain to me how that is unhealthy? I mean, people's health has steadily gotten worse since the discovery of sugar and since people started eating all this carb-rich processed junk like chips and such. It seems like a good thing to me to be eating only meat (mostly lean), vegetables, cheeses, some fats (like butter and mayonnaise), a fruit here and there, some berries. Really, what is so bad about that?

To top it off, this is the first time in my life I feel like I'm in control of my weight. I've lost a good twenty pounds since I've begun and it's still falling off. I feel more energetic, I don't feel hungry all the time anymore, I feel more confident about myself. How could someone have the nerve to tell me that I'm being foolish and that this is bad for me?

I know that they are just concerned about my health, but they shouldn't make ignorant assumptions that what I'm doing is unhealthy. I feel better than I have in a long time. I think my body is capable of surviving several months or so without pasta and cake.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mean people

There is nothing wrong with me.
I am not stupid for what I believe.
Just because people don't agree with how I achieve my happiness, it doesn't mean that I'm wrong.
I don't have to cry because I feel alone.