Saturday, December 02, 2006

At peace?

I dreamt about Cláudio last night. In the dream, I was visiting old friends in Brazil and one day while wandering about the city, I ran into Cláudio. I saw him and we made eye contact. I tried to turn the other way because a flood of old feelings that I had been trying to forget began to pour down upon me. But he approached me and found me anyway. He looked at me with those same beautiful eyes that I will never forget and I told him that I miss him. He put his arms around me and he kissed me. I returned the embrace and the kiss. I can't say no to his lips. The whole world around us -- all the cars, all the people walking by -- disappeared and I believed that everything was going to turn out all right. I didn't have to worry anymore.

Then I woke up and cried a little until I fell asleep again.

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