Saturday, December 30, 2006

Three dates?

After three dates... and what? A month and a half between the second and third dates... Alejandro finally kissed me. We kissed so much. He's so precious. I hope I get to keep him for a little while.

Maybe he'll be my midnight New Year's kiss...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Alcohol problem?

Tonight, I went to a bar with Cyril and Amanda. We went to my favorite bartender there and as soon as he sees me, he turns around and grabs something behind him. Turns out, he had a Christmas card for me. When your bartender writes you a Christmas card, does that mean you have a drinking problem? ;)

Anyway, it was super sweet and it made me blush. ;)

Saturday, December 23, 2006


On some days, I feel like I am the luckiest boy.

I have been looking for places to stay in Catalonia with friends on the Internet and stuff like that so that I wouldn't have to pay rent. Well, since I decided that I wanted to stay there for three months, it's been kind of difficult to find enough places to stay because obviously I don't want to wear out my welcome. Two weeks here, three weeks there, two weeks there... hmm... I still need two and a half more months worth of rooms!

Well, I found out that my friend Eugeni and his girlfriend Gemma have an extra room in their apartment and coincidentally are looking for a roommate for the summer. Well, not bad. They pay 600 euros a month and want to split it three ways with a roommate. 200 euros a month is really cheap for a room around there, and since I would be paying, I wouldn't have to worry about outstaying my welcome.

But well, they don't live in Barcelona. They live in a city just outside of Barcelona called Sabadell. Kind of like Pearland is to Houston. It would take me about almost an hour to arrive in downtown Barcelona from their apartment including the walk to the train station and the wait and then the actual ride, it seems. Well, okay... I'm already used to commuting for about 30 or 35 minutes every day to get to wherever I need to go in Houston. No biggie. It seems like that was going to be the plan, then.

Well, today, I was telling my friend Ivan about it. Ivan is my friend from Barcelona who has lived here in Houston for several years.

"When are you going?" he asked.

"In the middle of May until the middle of August," I reply.

"Well, I'm moving back to Barcelona in February. Why don't you just stay in my apartment all summer? I have three empty rooms. You don't have to pay rent, but you can help me pay for food if you want. My apartment there is right in the heart of Barcelona in the highest part of the city."


Holy shit. This is better than I imagined it could be. And that's 600 euros I'll be saving... which is like... $750. $750 I can spend on partying and travelling around Catalonia.

It's all working out perfectly. Gosh. Let's hope everything continues this way. :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

At peace?

I dreamt about Cláudio last night. In the dream, I was visiting old friends in Brazil and one day while wandering about the city, I ran into Cláudio. I saw him and we made eye contact. I tried to turn the other way because a flood of old feelings that I had been trying to forget began to pour down upon me. But he approached me and found me anyway. He looked at me with those same beautiful eyes that I will never forget and I told him that I miss him. He put his arms around me and he kissed me. I returned the embrace and the kiss. I can't say no to his lips. The whole world around us -- all the cars, all the people walking by -- disappeared and I believed that everything was going to turn out all right. I didn't have to worry anymore.

Then I woke up and cried a little until I fell asleep again.