Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Evil dogs!

I had an awful, long and draw-out dream last night. I dreamt that Amanda never came home from Brazil because she was attacked and killed by a big mean dog. It was horrible. I cried so much. And I went to visit her family and I couldn't bare it. In the dream, Amanda had an identical twin sister who tried to comfort me, but she reminded me too much of Amanda and it broke my heart.

It's been a long time since I've been so happy to wake up from a dream.

On a more exciting note, I have an interview for a job this afternoon that I'm very excited about. Well, my friend Brett who has been hired there basically guaranteed me the position. Although I can't believe that, I think it means I can be optimistic. Here is a snippet of the job description:
The Texas Center for Learning Disabilities is interested in hiring 20 data collectors for the fall 2006. Individuals will conduct assessments of adolescent language, literacy, cognition, and mathematics, complete assessment records, verify accuracy of assessment data, and assist in the scheduling of students for assessments.
Anyway, it seems like it should be super cool. Firstly, they are looking for part-time positions for only like 20 hours a week. Secondly, they are very flexible with hours and told me that my being a student will not be a problem at all. They'll just work around my classes. Thirdly, it's related to education and linguistics. And lastly, they will pay me hourly more than twice what I made when I worked at Foley's.

So yeah, I'm pretty excited. :)

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