Thursday, August 03, 2006


So more good news! I'm basically hired for that cool project studying reading skills and techniques for teaching literacy. So I'm content. I have training next week and work starts pretty much when all the little junior high school and stuff start up.

That's exciting. I won't be as poor as before. And maybe I can start saving up money for a little trip. Can't decide. It's either a trip to France with a few days in Portugal, or a trip to Brazil. I don't know yet. There is also still the possibility of my going to Guadalajara, Mexico in December with Valentina and Amanda since Valentina has a house there! That'll be awesome!

Anyway, just because it is cute, here is a photo from a while back of me, Valentina and Amanda licking a wooden spoon covered with chocolate cake batter. Mmmm... guilty pleasures!

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